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Many of our clients advertise via pay-per-click ads on Google, Facebook, and other platforms. Most of these clients were previously using the services of large marketing companies to manage their campaigns. The number one reason they decided to make a change in who they work with is the transparency offered by Solutions Digital Marketing compared to the veiled “bundling” that takes place at other companies.
When it comes to digital marketing, it’s important to understand that it’s not just SEO or social media, or even advertising, for that matter. In fact, each of those things (SEO, social media, and advertising) are just a part of the bigger digital marketing pie or puzzle.
Do you want to grow your brand? Or, do you just want to become more popular on social media? If so, you have to embrace all social media has to offer and implement proven and effective engagement building activities.
18 February 2019 - 17:27, by , in Networking, Comments off
The power of networking has been recognized as one of the most powerful tools for both professionals and business people. When you know more people, you have greater access to facilitate information sharing, and this makes it much easier to influence others.