If you’re thinking of having a marketing agency on retainer, read on to learn about more benefits of this B2B relationship.
1. Consistency
To gain a reputation for your brand, you need consistency in your marketing efforts. By working with the same marketing agency, you get this consistency across channels, which in turn will grow your business.
2. Talent
Marketing agencies hire the best in the business and your marketing campaigns have access to this amazing talent. It’s like having your own dedicated staff of marketing experts.
3. Budget
When you use a retainer based marketing agency, you know exactly how much you will be spending from month to month. This makes it very easy to plan your budget for up to twelve months ahead of time, at the very least.
4. Goal Setting
You know what your goals are. You know how much you want to spend, you know how many leads you want to generate over a given time period, and you certainly know how much money you want to make. With a retainer based marketing service, you can actually set a performance-based budget to reach your goals. For example, if you want to spend $10,000 over six months to generate 2,ooo qualified leads, you can establish budget parameters and benchmarks for the agency.
5. Discounts
Many marketing agencies offer a discount for a long term commitment from clients, or they may offer a free service or two to add incentive for a small business to sign up.
If retainer based marketing sounds right for you, then contact us today at 425-689-7991 or email Brady at brady@solutionsdigitalmarketing to talk about your marketing goals.
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