Individuals like to get their information in different ways. Some people like to read about a news story, for example, while others prefer to watch a video about the news story. And the same goes for visitors to your website.
When selling a product or service, whether B2B or B2C, you can expect to see more sales if you give browsers the option of learning about you, your company, or your cause through a short explainer video. It’s that simple.
An explainer video that is under three minutes is your chance to convert the viewer into a meaningful customer. Put it front and center on your landing page and watch as customers really start to connect with your brand.
Depending on what it is you offer, there are three main types of explainer videos to choose from.
Live Action Video
This kind of explainer video includes real people in the real world. This is the kind of video that a company such as the dental or medical office would use.
Trying to raise money for a cause with an explainer video would take this route, as well. For example, if you’re trying to raise money for an animal shelter in Venezuela, a video of the animals and people who work with them will illicit the emotional response needed to convert a viewer into a donator.
Animated Video
With this kind of explainer video, the sky is the limit. Just like any other piece of animation, this video can use anything to sell your intangible item. For example, if you sell a service such as proofreading, you could use animation to create a campaign with flying words and skipping sentences. Well, you get the idea.
Whiteboard Video
This is by far the most popular, inexpensive, and easy to make explainer video. You’ll recognize a whiteboard video as a video where text and/or animation is drawn and erased over and over from beginning to end. A narrator’s voice accompanies the video by reciting a prewritten script.
Having a professional copywriting agency to fine tune your script for whichever kind of video you choose – after you get down as many ideas as you can – will really perfect your explainer video. To find out more about how we can help you create the copy for your explainer video give us a call at 425-689-7991 [Temporary phone: 817-247-3318] and feel free to browse our site for other services.