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7 October 2016 - 12:29, by , in Content, Online Marketing Strategy, Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Comments off
Pay per click (PPC) advertising, such as Google Adwords, drives targeted traffic to a website or landing page. What makes PPC advertising unique when compared with organic traffic, for instance, is  that a user is clicking on an advertisement which is focused on conversion.  And that’s what you are paying for. To get the conversions...
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Holidays define our timeline as much as the changing of the seasons and the movement of the stars. They give us warm, happy, and delightfully frightful experiences that break away from the everyday routine. By using holiday-themed marketing strategies you illicit they types of feelings in association with your brand. With the summer over and...
21 September 2016 - 8:36, by , in Online Marketing Strategy, Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Target Market, Comments off
Small businesses need to set aside a budget every month for marketing their business. But to get a return on your investment, you need to find the most effective ways of getting the word out about your product or service.  Unfortunately, there are ways small businesses waste money when it comes to implementing a marketing...
Marketing Ideas
With today’s competitiveness in the digital marketplace, businesses are having to come up with unique ways to promote their niche products, services, and events.  Marketing teams are the lifeblood of a business; without them, businesses won’t grow or get very many customers.  The goal of the marketing team is to generate leads that will turn...
As we discussed in the last blog post, organic traffic is one of the most important sources of new customers for a business’s website. The technical aspects of SEO are still important, and can’t be ignored, but now more than ever, CONTENT and USER EXPERIENCE are instrumental for a good-performing site. The content must not...
Search Engine Optimization
7 to 10 years ago, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) was still a nebulous and technical area of expertise that most marketers relied on coding professionals to handle. A constant monitoring of best practices was necessary, sparking changes within the HTML of a website to match ever-changing theories of how to manipulate your rankings on the...
Put simply, PPC “Pay-Per-Click” Advertising, also called SEM (Search Engine Marketing), is a way to purchase visitors to your website. There is a little more to it than that, but this is the overall purpose of most campaigns. This form of advertising is simply a piece of the aggregate strategy for successfully marketing products and...
Isn’t it great to receive positive feedback from your customer, patient, or client? Whether in-person, in writing, or online, a happy customer reaffirms your reason for doing what you do. When posted online, these testimonials also serve to encourage and reassure potential new customers that you are the right choice, but they also bear even...
21 July 2016 - 16:27, by , in Advertising Budget, Online Marketing Strategy, Comments off
No, not that ‘B’ word. Although this word is often avoided in conversations between business owners and consultants, it is an important and necessary aspect of the discussion. The consultant is often hesitant to mention it and the business owner either thinks they need to avoid it until later in the process OR they are...
Social Media
Last week, we began to discuss questions you should ask when considering what social media or advertising platform is right for your business. Today, let’s give an example of how you can go about this process, and let’s apply these questions to a scenario. Keep in mind that there is no default “right answer” for every...