Solutions Digital Marketing

How Small Businesses Can Utilize the Same Tools Used to Win National Elections

During his presidency, Donald Trump has become infamous for his Tweets. While this is true, it may actually be Facebook that helped get him elected. According to the Digital Director of Trump’s campaign, he worked to fine tune the political ads seen on Facebook, so they reached specific voters, and he handpicked certain Republican Facebook employees to help guide him along the way.

According to Trump’s digital director, the majority of the ad campaign budget was spent on various Facebook ads, as they were efficient in targeting the rural vote. While Twitter was how Trump spoke to people, Facebook is how he won the election.

The question then is, can this same method be used for businesses? And the answer is – why not?

While the Trump campaign may have spent over $70 million on these Facebook ads, businesses can recreate the efforts on a smaller scale and achieve similar results.

A Digital First Mindset

If you remember, at the end of the election, Clinton was spending over $200 million in television ads. Trump spent less than half of this by going digital.

By targeting sites such as Facebook, the ability to reach more people in a more targeted and efficient manner is possible. This platform has the advantage of users who are going to click and engage and give feedback. The platform is built to let you know what people like and what they dislike.

You can take this information, test your ads and find the ones that work for different targeted audiences. And the cost of all this is significantly less than more traditional advertising methods (i.e. television).

Facebook Ads can’t Be Your Only Effort

While Trump definitely took advantage of Facebook ads, he didn’t stop there. He used the platform to engage with the audience and in doing so provided even more information his team could then use to create more targeted and more effective ads.

Facebook ads properly targeted are effective and powerful. If your business harnesses all it has to offer, then the results can be really amazing. You can take off just like the Trump campaign did, reaching all types of customers – even those you may have never imagined appealing to. To learn more, contact Brady at 425-689-7991 or today.  

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