#1. Make a Really Good Page
If you want people to share your posts and spread the word about your Facebook Fan page, then make sure you put in the time and effort to make it a really good page. Missing or outdated information in your profile is a real turn off. As is letting weeks or months go by between posts. Put another way, if you want people engaged in your site, then you need to keep content fresh, complete, and up to date.
#2: Advertise
To build your initial fan base, we recommend setting an adversiting buget and goal. Paying a few cents for your first one thousand Facebook likes is a realitively inexpensive way to get started. After that, keep your content going and watch your page grow by the likes and shares of your first 1,000 followers.
#3: Hire a Professional
Keeping a Facebook Page updated with engaging content takes time and lots of creativity. Social media professionals with copywriting experience can manage your page for you by writing and uploading posts. Getting someone on board with a fresh perspective will keep the momentum going as the likes keep coming in and your business grows.
Need help creating or managing a Facebook Fan Page? Give Brady a call at 425-689-7991 to get started.
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