In this case, you need simple marketing strategies that you can easily put in place and walk away from, letting them continue to work for you. Here are three ways to easily get more leads for your home services company.
A Landing Page
And effective way to market your home services business and get more leads is to show up at the top of Google with a landing page that focuses on keywords. To do this, you’ll need to purchase a domain name such as or You many need to play around with your service words plus the towns you serve to find a domain that is available. From here, have a simple landing page built that tells the potential customer about your service and provides a way for customers to contact you. Display your phone number and hours of operation in big letters at the top and/or include a contact form for users to fill out. In reality, you can have a dozen of these landing pages made by playing around with keywords and domain names. These pages can also be used in conjunction with Pay-Per-Click campaigns.
Offer a Referral Program
Word of mouth is how many businesses stay in business. When you do a good job, people are apt to tell other people about it. According to a Nielsen study, 92 percent of people trust recommendations from friends. Also take into consideration that 83 percent of business comes from referrals and repeat customers and you can clearly see the importance of taking advantage of this marketing strategy. Why not add an incentive to get people talking about your business even more. You can offer cash prizes, for example, for each paying customer someone refers. Or you could offer a free service or product. There are a number of apps available to integrate into your website that easily handle the referral program. You just need to tell all your customers about it. Also, keep in mind that most of today’s “word-of’-mouth” referrals occur on social media.
Be Mobile Friendly
Whether you have a website, a half dozen landing pages, or both, they need to be mobile responsive to be effective. Think about it this way: 51 percent of your customers are searching for your home business service on their mobile phone and 75 percent of Americans own a smartphone and love to use it. If your website is difficult to navigate on a mobile phone, users will quickly move on to a competitor. To see how your site measures up on the go, test it here. If it’s not mobile friendly, it’s time to do some website updating to increase business.
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