The 101 on the Zero Moment of Truth
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5 July 2017 - 7:50, by , in Online Marketing Strategy, Comments off

Many buzzwords exist and continue to come up in our daily interactions online. This raises the need to have a straight way of addressing them. Research by Google eBook of 2011 determines that the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) is one of these buzzwords that marketers and business owners need to pay attention to.  

Zero Moment of Truth

What is ZMOT?
ZMOT is the occurrence in the purchase cycle when the consumer researches a product or service online without the seller’s knowledge of the consumer’s existence or actions. This explains the increasing number of consumers making online analysis before purchase. Consider research by ZMOT (2012) which shows that the number of sources that inform a consumer’s decision to buy doubled between 2010 and 2011.  Although research on ZMOT gives more attention to B2C companies, the concept also be applies to B2B companies.

Ways B2C and B2B Marketers Can Get Ready for ZMOT

The ZMOT is of utmost importance when you’re trying to market your service or product to consumers.  To get ready for ZMOT, here are three strategies you can start implementing right now:

  1. Publicize reviews about your product or service that influences consumers to make a decision. This includes; buyer guides, customer testimonials, and featured case studies, among others.   
  2. Get into the mind of the consumer through an optimized multi-version site accessed by both computer and mobile operators. This raises the consumer trust for the product through the understanding of the brand and the ability to easily access reviews.
  3. Research by ZMOT (2011) ranks YouTube as second in popularity according to the frequency of search on the Internet. To take advantage of this, post a video about you, your product, or your service that gives consumers the information they need to reach the ZMOT.  

Do you need help staying on top of ZMOT in your marketing strategy?  If so, contact Brady today at 425-689-7991 or brady@solutionsdigitalmarketing.com.

 Source:  http://www.pardot.com/blog/moment-truth-care/

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